
Organize and structure your thoughts to write an essay

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Sample 저자: Mind Map: Sample

1. First Paragraph

1.1. Compile some ideas

1.1.1. Group Leader

1.1.2. Know how to edit videos

2. Structure

2.1. Decide on your topic focus

2.2. Create list of facts

2.3. Organize facts into categories

2.4. Create chapters from categories

2.4.1. Introduction - why are you writing about this?

2.4.2. Subhead 1

2.4.3. Subhead 2

2.4.4. Subhead 3

2.4.5. Conclusion - what summarizes what is most interesting about your topic?

3. Write and Edit

3.1. Don't be afraid to edit. Simple, memorable information is hard and requires filtering.

4. Administration

4.1. Deadlines

4.2. Contacts

5. Proofread & Finalize

5.1. Cover Page

5.2. Table of Contents

5.3. Bibliography