What are ethics?

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What are ethics? 저자: Mind Map: What are ethics?

1. What are military ethics and can the help you in the classroom?

1.1. The seven army values and how they relate to ethics and everyday life.

1.2. How military ethics are not different then college ethics.

1.3. How the battlefield is just another classroom.

2. What do ethics mean to a college student?

2.1. The Ethical choices that a college student has to make.

2.2. Are you cheating if you know that you classmate is doing something unethical.

2.3. How ethics can make you a proud college student and make you better after college.

3. The definition of ethics?

3.1. The motivation based on ideas of right and wrong.

3.2. The philosophical study of moral values and rules.

4. Conclusion: Ethics are about doing the rite thing no matter who is watching or what the situation is. Being ethical in life can help you in school, work and your personal life.