Pinterest-Ashley Boone

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Pinterest-Ashley Boone 저자: Mind Map: Pinterest-Ashley Boone

1. 83% of users are woman and 17% are men

2. Multiple ways to join Pinterest

2.1. Sign up using your email address

2.2. Sign up using your Twitter account

2.3. Sign up using your Facebook account

3. 3 Unique ways to use Pinterest for Business

3.1. Increase your Brand Authority. This is a great way to establish authority in your field. This is a common goal for many businesses on Pinterest.

3.2. Expand your Reach. This is a great way to reach and grow your audience.

3.3. Drive Traffic to Your Site. Pinterest drives more referral traffic than LinkedIn, Google+, and YouTube combined.

3.4. I really had not thought about how Pinterest could be used for business. These are all very interesting...especially the Brand Authority. I honestly think that, a craft site, must have taken off because of Pinterest. A lot of pins come from their site. VM

4. Pins

4.1. Make a list of what you like

4.1.1. Food

4.1.2. Crafts

4.1.3. Pinterest will send you emails of pins you may like by your list

4.2. Can separate in certain categories/folders so you know where to go

4.2.1. Recipes

4.2.2. Lesson Plans I love using Pinterest for creative classroom ideas! Even as a high school science teacher, I feel that Pinterest has some really great ideas for ways to engage the students. VM

4.2.3. Work outs

4.2.4. Craft Ideas

4.2.5. Ideas for my Classroom

4.3. Can send pins to friends

4.3.1. Can also email pins to yourself

5. Has multiple uses

5.1. Can be used for business

5.2. Used for fun

5.3. Share ideas with others

5.4. Share quotes

5.5. Promote things

5.6. Shopping

5.7. DIY Projects

5.7.1. These have been my favorite thing as a newlywed :) VM

5.8. Design Inspiration