My identity

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My identity 저자: Mind Map: My identity

1. culture

1.1. language

1.1.1. ojicree

1.1.2. english

1.2. history

1.2.1. numbered treaties

1.2.2. aboriginal traditions fishing eating wild meat bannack

1.3. grandfathers teaching

1.3.1. love

1.3.2. honestly

1.3.3. truth

1.3.4. wisdom

1.3.5. humility

1.3.6. respect

1.3.7. bravery

2. gender

2.1. male

3. land

3.1. nature is a big part of my life

3.2. it is where i want to spent my time

3.3. id go crazy if i couldn't go into the wild for sometime

3.4. if i leave the land i will be in a town or city. if i go to one i couldn't stay long as i will get incredibly sick. i can't do anything there as i will be too weak. while I'm there i will be in my weakest state as the pollution is to much for my body to handle. living with nature was part of my past, present and will be part of my future.

4. time

4.1. i believe everything happens when it is meant to happen.

5. nationhood

5.1. aboriginal

5.1.1. i wouldn't call myself a canadian as canada is just started in the past few years to consider us as canadians

6. spirituality

6.1. i am christian