11-2 U.S. History

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11-2 U.S. History 저자: Mind Map: 11-2 U.S. History

1. By: Chase Lucas

2. Even More Facts

2.1. The Cherokee Nation: The Cherokee refused to give up land. in treaty of 1790s recognized the Cherokee of Georgia of a separate nation with their own laws.

2.2. The Trail Of Tears: In 1835 the government persuaded a few Cherokee to sign there treaty giving up their land. most of 17,000 Cherokee refused the treaty. winfeild scott came with an army of 7,000 federal troops to remove Cherokee tribes from there homes to get them to move west. they threaten to use force if they did not leave. the Cherokee knew if they fought they would lose. filled with sadness they began a journey west.

2.3. Native american resistance : sauk chieftain Black Hawk led a Resistance with the fox people. federal troops responded gathering a force of 4,500 soldiers. they chased the fox people and sauk to the Mississippi river and killed most of the native Americans as they tried to flee west.

3. Indian removal act

4. john marshall

5. Vocab words

5.1. Guerrilla tactics : Referring to surprise attacks or raids rather than organized warfare (p.344)

5.2. Relocate: To force a person or group of people to move (p.342)

6. People And Facts

6.1. Andrew Jackson Supported Indian removal act

6.2. Native Americans :The Cherokee , sauk/fox , Seminole

6.3. Sauk chieftain Black Hawk: in 1832 he led a force of Sauk and fox people back to Illinois, their homeland.

6.4. General Winfield Scott : on 1838 general Winfield Scott and a army of 7,000 federal troops came to remove the Cherokee from their homes to lead them west.

6.5. Seminole chieftain Osceola: him and his people refused to leave Florida. the Seminole decided to go to war with the U.S.A. instead. in 1835 the Seminole joined forces with a group of run away slaves. together they attacked white settlement along he Florida coast using guerrilla tactics.

6.6. John Marshall : Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that Georgia had no right to interfere with the Cherokee. only the federal government had authority over matters involving the Cherokee. president Jackson supported Georges efforts to remove the Cherokee. he vowed to ignore the supreme courts ruling.

7. andrew jackson

8. Seminole chieftain 0sceola

9. Sauk chieftain Black Hawk

10. Cherokee