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1776-1861 저자: Mind Map: 1776-1861

1. First Seminole war lasted from 1817-1818

2. Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821

2.1. War cost economic burdens

3. Congress voted to annex Texan Republics

3.1. They sent troops led by General Zachary Taylor

3.2. Troops were sent to protect its border with Mexico

4. 3,900,000 Americans, and most of them lived within 50 miles of the Atlantic

5. 3,900,000 Maericans lived fifty miles from the Atlantic during 1790

6. Whites moved westward

7. Cherokees owned more than a thousand slaves

8. Indian Removal

8.1. Andrew Jackson

8.2. Chickasaws had been removed as inevitable

8.3. Their removal was based upon the knowledge they have gained based on their character and habits

9. Period of voluntary Indian migration

10. No nation has existed without sense of national destiny

11. Mexico lost the war

11.1. The war made a difference in the U.S wealth

11.2. They were able to discover Gold in California

11.3. Many Americans have forgotten about this war

12. President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamationon September 22, 1862

12.1. An act of justice

13. Slaves shall be free

14. War between Us and Mexico split families in half

14.1. Families became enemies