Ungrammatical Sentences

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Ungrammatical Sentences 저자: Mind Map: Ungrammatical Sentences

1. Sentence Fragments

1.1. Lacks a predicate

1.1.1. Examples The students in English 91F.

1.2. Lacks a subject

1.2.1. Examples Struggled to stay awake.

1.3. Lacks a complete idea

1.3.1. Examples While group 2 presented their assessment.

2. Grammatical Sentences

3. Run-ons

3.1. Examples

3.1.1. Greg ran out of excuses to tell his teacher he remained silent.

3.1.2. I am hungry I want to leave.

3.1.3. Clark had vanished he left his books in class.

4. Comma splices

4.1. Examples

4.1.1. Michael takes the bus to university, Connor drives his van.