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World Religions 저자: Mind Map: World Religions

1. judisum

1.1. one million people live in isreal

1.2. people mad statue of their gods to pray for them

1.3. the people form Judaism were killed

1.4. in 63 B.C the roman empire pick and person to rule Judaism

1.5. they were conquered by eypt

1.6. they wrote in a stone tablet

1.7. Judaism has 40 million people follow it

1.8. Jews refer to their land as the promise lannd

1.9. people in Judaism believed in many gods before Abraham.

1.10. they were enslaved to built

2. islam

2.1. islam is one of the biggest city

2.2. they made sacrifices

2.3. they created a university

2.4. people pry to jesus.

2.5. they made art

2.6. pray to there gods

2.7. Islam mean surrender to god

2.8. people suffer when they get co

2.9. second largest religoin

2.10. one billion followers the followers are called Muslims.

3. christianity

3.1. the chris thought that jesus was a god

3.2. the angel spoke to them were is the baby jesus

3.3. each year they perform a per aid.

3.4. Jesus got killed and a t shape to be killed with two more people.

3.5. they found a baby in a cabin and they called him Jesus

3.6. they went to cruch

3.7. they read the hole bible

3.8. Jesus found christanity

3.9. Christianity is the biggest religion

3.10. the followers are called Christians.

3.11. believe Jesus is the son of god

3.12. gospels tell his life