Input vs Output Device

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Input vs Output Device 저자: Mind Map: Input vs Output Device

1. Application of an output device is the ability to see processed data. For instance changing the setting on the monitor will enable students whom are visually impaired to be able to see the output.

2. Challenges associated with incorporating output devices in the classroom would be: Cost, maintenance, training, heavy use, reordering,

3. Examples of output devices are monitors and printers

4. Benefits to output devices allow students to see the data that has been processed. The resolution can be changed to accommodate sight impaired students.

5. Application for use: Enter data or commnds to be processed

6. Examples of Input devices are: styluses, keyboards, mice, pointing devices, gestures, voice recognition, and onscreen keyboards.

7. Challenges to incorporating input data into the classroom would be: cost, choosing the right type for all students, replacement.

8. Benefits to incorporating input devices into the classroom are: offer numerous ways to input data, a variety of choices to accommodate all learners

9. Output Devices are the hardware component that move processed data out of the computer to make it accessible (Lever-Duffy & McDonald, 2015, p. 94).

10. Input Devices are any device that allow users to enter data and commands (2015, p.92).