Design Phase

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Design Phase 저자: Mind Map: Design Phase

1. User Interface Design

1.1. Layout

1.1.1. The first principle of UI design

1.1.2. Refers to organizing varying areas of the screen for varying purposes

1.1.3. Areas of info should have a natural flow and minimize user hand movement

1.2. Content Awareness

1.2.1. The ability of an interface to make the user aware of the info it contains with the least amount of effort

1.2.2. Generally applies to interface, areas within forms and reports, the fields of the area, and the info that form or report contains

1.3. Aesthetics

1.3.1. Designing interfaces that are pleasing to the eye

1.3.2. Novice/Non-frequent users tend to prefer low density applications of information. (Less than 50% of the screen to be occupied by info.)

1.3.3. A singular font typing throughout

1.3.4. Colors should be used carefully and with a purpose in mind

1.4. Consistency

1.4.1. The single most important aspect for making a system usable due to predictability

1.4.2. Occurs at many different levels, such as navigation, controls, terminology, etc...

2. Program Design

3. Data Storage Design