Process Engineering and Product Engineering

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Process Engineering and Product Engineering 저자: Mind Map: Process Engineering and Product Engineering

1. The Process Engineering

1.1. This engineer it takes the information from product engineer and they create the plan for manufacture

2. The Product Engineering Function

2.1. Determine the manufacturing process to be used

2.2. Determine the order of sequence of operation necessary to manufacture the part

2.3. Determine and order the tooling and gauges needed to manufacture

2.4. Determine need for and originate orders for all process revisions necessary when part print changes occur

3. The Product Engineering

3.1. This engineer determines the need for a product. It may be an entirely new product or new a product. It may be an entirely new product or new model of the old product

4. The Product Engineering Function

4.1. Design Product for Function

4.2. Design the Product for Customer Satisfaction

4.3. Design the Product for Cost

4.4. Design the Product for ease of Maintenance and Assemb