Disabilities and Interventions

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Disabilities and Interventions 저자: Mind Map: Disabilities and Interventions

1. Autism

1.1. affects

1.1.1. Verbal and non verbal communication

1.1.2. social interraction

1.2. accommodation

1.2.1. small groups

1.2.2. separate space

1.2.3. routine

1.2.4. agenda with deadlines

1.3. output

1.3.1. mindmaps

1.3.2. multiple choice format

1.3.3. pointing right answer on computer

1.4. case study

1.4.1. http://www.kidsmatters.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Case-Study-Cameron-3.pdf

2. Intellectual Disabilities

2.1. affects

2.1.1. general intellectual function

2.2. accomodation

2.2.1. quiet work space

2.2.2. functional activities

2.2.3. hands on learning

2.2.4. daily repetition of concepts

2.3. modifications

2.3.1. student/teacher ratio

2.3.2. safety measures

2.3.3. schedule

3. Emotional disturbance

3.1. case study

3.1.1. http://cecp.air.org/fba/problembehavior3/appendixb1.htm Tom -Tourette syndrom

4. Developmental Delay

4.1. affects

4.1.1. physical development

4.1.2. cognitive development

4.1.3. social and emotional development

4.1.4. adaptative behavior

4.2. accomodation

4.2.1. seating arrangement

4.2.2. routine/ predicatability

4.2.3. use of age appropriate materials

4.3. output

4.3.1. visual timer

4.3.2. daily planner

4.4. modification

4.4.1. teacher/student ratio

5. Multiples disabilities

5.1. affects

5.1.1. speech or communication

5.1.2. sensory skills

5.1.3. behavior

5.2. modification

5.2.1. special education class

5.2.2. physical and occupational therapist

5.2.3. early concept development

5.2.4. mobility

5.2.5. environmental control

5.3. accomodation

5.3.1. assistive technology

5.3.2. leaning toys and software

5.3.3. switch options

6. Specific learning Disability

6.1. affects

6.1.1. auditory perception and processing

6.1.2. visual perception and processing

6.1.3. information processing speed

6.1.4. abstract reasonning

6.2. accommodation

6.2.1. advanced notice assignement

6.2.2. due date agenda

6.2.3. multi-sensoriel and hands-on activities

6.2.4. brief instructions

6.2.5. read aloud written instructions

6.2.6. study guide

6.2.7. peer notetaker/proofread

6.2.8. extra time for test

6.3. outputs

6.3.1. recording device

6.3.2. calculator

6.3.3. camera

6.3.4. audio books

6.4. case study

6.4.1. http://www.ldaofky.org/RTI/RTI%20Manual%20Case%20Studies.pdf Jayden p32- reading fluency and comprehension

6.4.2. http://images.pearsonassessments.com/images/ca/rti/downloads/Ellie.pdf -reading fluency and comprehension, writing expression, attention deficit disorder

6.4.3. http://images.pearsonassessments.com/images/ca/rti/downloads/Nick.pdf Nick- mathematical reasonning

7. Traumatic Brain Injury

7.1. affects

7.1.1. cognitive skills

7.1.2. psychosocial fonction

7.1.3. physical and motors skills

7.2. accommodation

7.2.1. additionnal time for assignement

7.2.2. additionnal help

7.2.3. extended break

7.2.4. written and oral instruction

7.2.5. study guide

7.2.6. preferential seating

7.2.7. multiple choice format

7.3. outputs

7.3.1. audio recorder

7.4. modification

7.4.1. reduce quantity of work

7.4.2. use of calculator

7.4.3. use of dictionnary

7.5. study case

7.5.1. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-04262004-141714/unrestricted/Karenfinaletd.pdf Larry-p46 -speech/language and occupational therapy

8. Deaf-blindness

8.1. affects

8.1.1. hearing

8.1.2. vision

8.1.3. communication

8.2. accommodation

8.2.1. assistive listening device

8.2.2. interpreters

8.2.3. braille notetaker

8.2.4. reading machine

8.2.5. recording device

8.2.6. oral presentation

8.3. modification

8.3.1. oral test

8.3.2. safety measures

8.4. case study

8.4.1. http://www.med.unc.edu/ahs/clds/resources/deaf-blind-model-classroom-resources/db-case-studies/matthews-story-1

9. Deafness or Hearing Impairment

9.1. affects

9.1.1. hearing

9.1.2. processing linguistic information

9.2. accommodation

9.2.1. oral presentation

9.2.2. sign presentation

9.2.3. semi-circular seating in the classroom

9.2.4. flashing lights for class-schedule or alam

9.2.5. study guide

9.2.6. multi-sensori, hands-on activities

9.2.7. peer tutoring

9.3. outputs

9.3.1. hearing aids

9.3.2. overhead projector

9.3.3. graphic organizer

9.3.4. computer/word processor

9.3.5. extra time for assignement

10. Orthopedic Impairment

10.1. affects

10.1.1. fine motors skills

10.1.2. gross motor skills

10.1.3. neuro-motors skills

10.2. accommodation

10.2.1. seating arrangement

10.2.2. physical and occupational therapist

10.2.3. classroom space

10.3. modification

10.3.1. focus on motors skills

10.4. outputs

10.4.1. screen reading sofware

10.4.2. speech recognition sofware

10.4.3. augmentative communication device

11. Other health Impairment

11.1. affects

11.1.1. strenght

11.1.2. vitality

11.1.3. alertness

11.2. accomodation

11.2.1. availability of medication

11.2.2. rest time

11.2.3. ergonomic work station

11.3. output

11.3.1. assisting device

11.3.2. medical aid

12. Speech or language Impairment

12.1. affects

12.1.1. articulation

12.1.2. fluency

12.1.3. voice

12.2. accommodation

12.2.1. written assignement

12.2.2. extra time for expression

12.2.3. copy of lesson notes

12.2.4. minimize background noise

12.2.5. peer tutoring

12.3. outputs

12.3.1. speaking device

13. Visual Impairment including Blindness

13.1. affects

13.1.1. vision

13.1.2. oral and written comprehension

13.2. accommodation

13.2.1. objects models

13.2.2. peer note taker

13.2.3. oral description

13.2.4. braille

13.2.5. tactile graphics

13.3. modification

13.3.1. extra time for response

13.4. outputs

13.4.1. talking device

13.4.2. braille note-taker/refreshable

13.4.3. large screen/ low vision device

13.4.4. slate and stylus