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Nancy Drew 저자: Mind Map: Nancy Drew

1. Past: In page 12 she says that it would be a good idea to start fencing. She encourages George and lets her do fencing.

2. Future: In the page 73 it says that she goes to the final match and stops George from entering the competition. George be's responsible and didn't enter the finals because she was sick. George then entered the competition after she recovered.

3. Present: In the page 24-25 it says Nancy realises that that fencing wasn't such a good idea for George. I believe Nancy because because there is evidence and it says that Nancy saw blood on George's white sleeve.

4. Says

5. Future: Then finally Nancy stops her by going. She lets George go to the finals we she was recovered. I thought that Nancy did the right thing by stopping George.

6. Present: After some time she realised that it wasn't such a good to enroll George into fencing.

7. Past: Nancy was the one who enrolled George into fencing. Nancy also encouraged and told her that she could do it.

8. Does

9. Thinks

10. Future: Before she thought that George would get better but she got worse that before. The text evidence in on page 24-25.

11. Present: But then she realised that it wasn't such a good idea. She thought that she would get better in terms of heath. Text evidence in on page 23.

12. Past: Nancy thought that fencing will be a good idea for George. The text evidence is on page 22.