7 Aspects Of Civilization

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7 Aspects Of Civilization 저자: Mind Map: 7 Aspects Of Civilization

1. Geography and Agriculture

1.1. Mesopotamia

1.1.1. Mesopotamia translates in greek for between rivers the rivers being the Tigris and the Euphrates. Mesopotamia River System

1.1.2. The northern Mesopotamia's is mostly hills and plains while the southern part of the Mesopotamia's is marshes and wide flat barren plains.

1.1.3. The earliest settlers of the Mesopotamia's had to irrigate the land along the river for their crops to grow.

1.1.4. Farmers in Mesopotamia grew wheat, barley, and other foods such as dates, grapes, figs, melons, and apples. They also grew vegetables such as eggplants, onions, radishes, and lettuce.

1.2. Shang Dynasty

1.2.1. The Shang Dynasty's main core was about in the middle section of the Yellow River. The Yellow River

1.2.2. The Shang Dynasty was very lucky and had natural borders around them to protect them from flooding and other natural disasters.

1.2.3. The Shang Dynasty's people lived in a region that was well suited for growing crops such as millet, wheat, rice, and barley.

1.2.4. Some common animals the Shang Dynasty had in their region were pigs, dogs, sheep, oxen, and silkworms

2. Government and Leaders

2.1. Mesopotamia

2.1.1. The Sumerians government was ruled by a king who would make the decisions but the people some what had a choice because they could share their opinions on the decision.

2.1.2. The Sumerians did not write down laws but were pronounced by the king and expected of the people to listen to them.

2.1.3. The mesopotamians invented the government system of Kingship and the acgt of having a king rule the land.

2.1.4. There were many civil servants one of which was the Scribe that worked very closely with the king.

2.1.5. Taxes were in the form of tithes paid by farmers. The day-to-day affairs of government were handled by scribes and palace officials. They made records of the tithes and transactions of farmers.

2.2. Shang Dynasty

2.2.1. The Shang Dynasty was a Monarchy where the king was the ruler and the judge.

2.2.2. The Shang Dynasty was very one sided due to the fact that anyone who was against the king would be executed immediately by his soldiers.

2.2.3. The Shang Dynasty was ruled by over 30 emperors over the course of 600 years

2.2.4. The last emperor to rule the Shang dynasty was overthrown by the Zhou tribe who eventually took over their city and people

3. Arts and Education

3.1. Mesopotamia

3.1.1. The Sumerians believed that the only way to get a child to remember a lesson was to beat them with a whip. Mesopotamian Art

3.1.2. Only boys could go to school so for a girl to learn she would have to have her parents or she could get a tutor.

3.1.3. Schools were also run by priest and was very difficult.

3.1.4. Even when the kids were beat they still wanted to go to school, some even becoming priests.

3.2. Shang Dynasty

3.2.1. The Shang Dynasty had a writing that was made up of pictures that represented a word close to what the picture showed.

3.2.2. The schooling was divided into two groups the upper and the lower class.

3.2.3. The Shang Dynasty was very big in making bronze out of copper and tin, which they learned from the west.

3.2.4. The Shang Dynasty used the shells of turtles for their oracles. Turtle Shell Oracle

4. Social Structure and Family Life

4.1. Mesopotamia

4.1.1. If a couple in Mesopotamia were to be divorced, they would have to pay a fine. If they had kids, the mother faced severe penalties

4.1.2. In a Mesopotamian society, there were three social classes: Nobility, Free Citizens, and Slaves

4.1.3. The Nobility class included Priests, and Priest-Kings which lived in temples and were the cities tax collectors

4.1.4. All people of the nobility class were in charge of maintenance, construction, and organization of the canals.

4.1.5. The lower class lived on the outskirts of the city and were responsible for the world's food supply

4.2. Shang Dynasty

4.2.1. They were classified into four groups the military, artisans, craftsman, and peasants.

4.2.2. The Aristocracy were responsible for governing small areas of the Dynasty.

4.2.3. They believed if the ancestors of the family were pleased and happy, the family would be pleased and happy.

4.2.4. The majority of the Shang Dynasty's population was of peasants and were limited to selling farms and crops for profit

5. Economy and Trade

5.1. Mesopotamia

5.1.1. Grain, oils and textiles were taken from Babylonia to foreign cities and exchanged for timber, wine, precious metals and stones.

5.1.2. Merchants used several different methods for transporting their goods depending on what they were transporting such as by boat, walking to different cities, or riding on donkeys they had

5.1.3. Mesopotamia was a region that did not have many natural resources so they had to trade with neighbouring countries to get their supplies

5.1.4. In the southern part of Mesopotamia, docks were built along the sides of the rivers so that ships could easily dock and unload their trade goods.

5.1.5. In the southern part of Mesopotamia, docks were built along the sides of the rivers so that ships could easily dock and unload their trade goods.

5.2. Shang Dynasty

5.2.1. The Shang Dynasty was really high in bronze production and bronze crafting, signifying that they were a advanced civilization

5.2.2. Family was important for the Shang Dynasty the oldest male being the head of the family.

5.2.3. Instead of the role of the king going from father to son it went brother to brother.

5.2.4. The Shang Dynasty's people used shells as a currency to trade with other cities

6. Religion

6.1. Mesopotamia

6.1.1. Mesopotamian Religion did not believe in the after-life. They believed that all good and bad people go under-ground as ghosts and eat dirt. Mesopotamian Religious Artifact

6.1.2. Priests would read the livers of chickens or lambs to see what the gods wanted for sacrifices

6.1.3. In the Mespotamian religion there are 4 main gods of Earth,Water, Air, and The Heavens

6.1.4. Mesopotamian people believed that they were servants of their gods

6.2. Shang Dynasty

6.2.1. The majority of the Shang Dynasty was Polytheistic and worshipped many gods

6.2.2. It was thought that the success of crops and the health of their people were based on the happiness of their ancestors

6.2.3. The god worshipped by most people in the Shang Dynasty was the god "Shang Ti". Shang Ti was believed to be a link between people and heavenly beings. Shang Ti

6.2.4. To make Shang Ti happy (which was very important to them), they did various rituals, prayers, offerings, and sometimes even human sacrifices

7. Science and Technology

7.1. Mesopotamia

7.1.1. Mesopotamia invented the wheel, plow, irrigation systems and the sail boat Mesopotamia and their Technology

7.1.2. Mesopotamians were the first to use a pottery wheel to make better pottery

7.1.3. Mesopotamians used looms to weave cloth from wool

7.1.4. Using their advanced math, the Mesopotamian's were able to follow the movements of stars, planets, and even the Moon.

7.2. Shang Dynasty

7.2.1. The Shang Dynasty were the first to industrialize the use of bronze casting and the creation of bronze tools

7.2.2. Some Shang Dynasty's cities had "Royal Workshops" which were workshops staffed with laborers that casted bronze vessels and other bronze tools

7.2.3. The Shang Dynasty are the first to use the Chinese script language as they appeared on Oracle Bones and in bronze vessels they created

7.2.4. The Shang government used bronze for their military weapons such as swords or spearheads to make them stronger and less brittle in battle The Shang Dynasty's bronze creations