Vocabulary chapter 3; Sections 1 and 3

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Vocabulary chapter 3; Sections 1 and 3 저자: Mind Map: Vocabulary  chapter 3; Sections 1 and 3

1. Hydrocarbons

1.1. This is just Hydrogen and carbon and relates to being a compound because it has 2 elements.

2. Organic compounds

2.1. Contains carbon and can be alive an organic com[pound is the opposite of a inorganic compound.

3. The Water Cycle

3.1. holds all the parts of the water cycle including Condensation, Transpiration, Precipitation, and evaporation.

4. Transpirations

4.1. Through plants the release of water vapor, then by evaporation the water vapor goes up into the atmosphere.

5. Condensations

5.1. Relates to the water cycle picture by traveling from the Atmosphere and the creates Precipitation.

6. http://www.softschools.com/quizzes/science/water/quiz316.html

7. http://www.softschools.com/quizzes/chemistry/elements/quiz334.html

8. Molecule

8.1. A molecule relates to a compound the only difference is they are atoms not elements like compounds

9. Inorganic compounds

9.1. Inorganic compounds lack carbon so it relates to this picture by having oxygen, hydrogen, and bromine

10. Evaporation

10.1. Its when a liquid forms in to a gas relates to the water cycle because all the water goes back up into the atmosphere by evaporation.

11. Percipitation

11.1. Is rain or snow This changes a gas to a liquid the opposite of evaporation.

12. Compound

12.1. A compound is 2 or more elements together. This picture has calcium and Hydrogen together.