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Causes of WW1 저자: Mind Map: Causes of WW1

1. Alliances

1.1. The Triple Alliance 1882

1.1.1. Germany

1.1.2. Austria-Hungary

1.1.3. Italy

1.2. The Triple Entante 1907

1.2.1. Britan

1.2.2. France

1.2.3. Russia

2. Moroccan crisis

2.1. 1st 1905

2.1.1. Strengthened the Anglo-French entente

2.1.2. Germany's fear of encirclement strengthened

2.2. 2nd 1911

2.2.1. Britan scared of Germany's increasing power

2.2.2. Germany ended up humiliated

2.2.3. Entente strengthened

3. Balkan wars 1912-1913

3.1. Sebia doubled in size

3.1.1. Increased # of Serbs in Austria

3.2. Austria afraid

3.3. Shooting of Franz Ferdinand (Sarajevo)

3.3.1. This was a reason for Austria to declare war on Serbia Russia came to aid Serbia The war spread The Black Week

4. Naval Race 1889-1913

4.1. Germany vs Britan

4.1.1. Britan always had the upperhand

4.2. Navies grew

5. Franco-Prussian war

5.1. 1870-1871

5.2. France humiliated in the treaty

5.2.1. Wanted revenge

6. Crimean War 1853-1856

6.1. France supported Catholics

6.2. Russia supported Orthodox