Race in Latin America

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Race in Latin America 저자: Mind Map: Race in Latin America

1. Haitian Revolution

1.1. Inspired by the French Revolution

1.2. Revolt became violent and resulted in several mass killings

1.3. Gave the oppressed a sense of empowerment

1.3.1. Contribute towards the U.S. revolution

1.4. Created a fear in the dominate race

2. Race relations in Mexico

2.1. Birth of Mestizo group

2.2. Indigenismo

2.2.1. Reverse Racism

2.3. Classism (Native Americans were viewed as 2nd class citizens

2.4. Mexican Revolution

2.5. Porfirian administration enforces racism in Mexico

3. Argentina

3.1. Becomes white washed due to mass genocide of all races except the dominant race

3.2. Anglo-Saxons viewed as superior and lose their power through intermarriage

3.3. Biogenetical theory

4. Cuba

4.1. Hispanic component reinforced by Creole elites

4.2. Africans viewed as inferior because of their lack of morals and integral civilization (Afro-Cuban)

4.3. Partido Independiente de Color

5. French Revolution

5.1. Freed slaves fighting for basic human rights

5.2. The result of the revolt lead to everyone being granted equality

5.3. Nepoleon rescinded those rights