Masthead Name Ideas

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Masthead Name Ideas 저자: Mind Map: Masthead Name Ideas

1. Fire/Flame

1.1. This represents the type of music this genre produces and will allow the magazine to have some branding if I add an little icon of a flame on one side of the masthead. It could also represent how it will be a burning start into the industry in a positive way.

2. Bounce

2.1. This is an action that most people from my target audience do when they hear this type of music to it provides recognition for them and is like what most Hip-Hop magazines do, by putting a verb as the masthead to draw them in to find reasons why it's that name.

3. Bling

3.1. This word will add colour and vibrancy to the front cover as the word would bring a spark to the magazine and catch the target audiences eye to see the magazine more close up and see what it has to offer. It will also go with my idea of my main image if the model wears a gold chain and so this will anchor with the masthead well. This word denotes expensiveness and my target audience like to show off with their material things stereotypically and makes the magazine seem special and stand out from others from the first issue and connotes how it will shine after a few more issues compared to others.

3.1.1. So far, this is a good name for my magazine because there are more positives to the name and would anchor with the main image a lot and is original and no magazine is called this, from what I know. However, I will gather more information from the records I will do in my next blog.

4. Woes

4.1. This is a common word used within most Hip-Hop songs and would be recognisable to most of people who like this genre (who would be the target audience). It means Working On Excellence and is another word for squad/group of friends, so will draw the audience in as it will seem friendly and relatable.

5. Energy

5.1. Most songs of this genre have a lot of energy so I thought having a masthead that is symbolic to what the magazine and music of this genre brings people. This makes the magazine sound energetic and original and the scientific meaning is that it can't be created or destroyed, which connotes how original it will be as it would mean no one can replicate it and no one can destroy the fun and energy the magazine will give the target audience.