Sharing Personal Information Online By Ambrie White

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Sharing Personal Information Online By Ambrie White 저자: Mind Map: Sharing Personal Information Online By Ambrie White

1. Personal Information

1.1. Pictures let people know what you look like

1.2. Identity theft is easier when they have pictures, name, birthday information and such

1.3. Embarrassment of your family or yourself

2. Family Information

2.1. Sets family members up to be targets of criminals

2.2. Uploading pictures will give people a benefit of what your family looks like

2.3. Identity theft is easier when they have pictures, names, birthday information and such

3. Audience

3.1. Know who can see what your posting

3.2. Privacy Settings, the higher your setting the less people that can see what you upload

4. Work Information

4.1. Security breech when too much information is put out

4.2. Loss of Job because you have uploaded something inappropriate and your boss has seen it

4.3. Employers look for your profiles online for information before hiring you

5. Location

5.1. People know when you are away from home

5.2. Uploads Pin point your current location

5.3. Criminals Advantage, they know when your gone, where your most vulnerable

6. Information Storage

6.1. Think of the school as a business and how they store your information

6.2. Payment Method (If you pay for your classes personally)