Planning for Learning

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Planning for Learning 저자: Mind Map: Planning for Learning

1. Objective: Students will be able to initiate a question with please (por favor) when asking a classmate or teacher to borrow classroom materials. Students will be able to say thank you in response when given a classroom material. Scaffolding Strategies: Pre-teach vocabulary, Show and tell, Turn and talk

2. Scaffolding Strategies: Visual Aids, Pre-Teach Vocabulary, Show and Tell, Give time to talk, Graphic Organizers

3. Student Key Factors: No prior exposure/experience with learning Spanish or any foreign language.

4. Objective: students will be able to initiate a conversation with a Spanish greeting such as "hola", "buenos dias", "buenas trades". The greeting will correspond with the time of day, such as good morning (buenos dias) and good afternoon (buenas trades). Scaffolding Strategy: Pre-teach vocabulary, Graphic Organizers, Turn and talk

5. Objective: Students will be able to initiate a conversation using the phrase how are you with a classmate/s, to acknowledge response with a corresponding statement such as "que bien" (that's good) or "lo siento" (sorry to hear) with a phrase and to be able to respond to how are you when asked by a classmate/s. Scaffolding Strategies: Pre-teach vocabulary, Show and tell, Turn and talk

6. Objective: students will be able to connect and relate "excuse me" (disculpa o permiso) with a follow up statement such as "puedo ir al bano?" (can I go to the bathroom) or "puedo pasar" (can i get by). Students will practice 5 different scenarios, including needing to go to the bathroom, trying to get by, borrowing a pencil, asking for help and asking to get up from their seat with classmates and the teacher in order to use these phrases. Scaffolding Strategies: Pre-teach vocabulary, visuals, group practice

7. Objective: Students will practice five common phrases of farewell in Spanish: "adios, hasta luego, hasta mañana, hasta pronto and hasta la vista" Students will study the linguistic meaning of some of these phrases and will act out 5 different scenarios deciding which phrase would be used correctly. By the end of this lesson students will be able to initiate a farewell with classmates, teachers and family members at home. Scaffolding Strategies: Pre-teach vocabulary, visuals, graphic organizers, show and tell, turn and talk

8. By Alejandra Zarzycki

9. JIP.3.1 Initiate greetings, farewells and other expressions of courtesy and apology with explanations.

10. Spanish Immersion, 4th Grade

11. Big Ideas: Learning a second language, cultural awareness