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IOT 저자: Mind Map: IOT

1. concept IoT IoE IoA

1.1. IoT: internet of things

1.2. IoE: internet for everythings

1.3. IoA: internet for anythings

2. Security

2.1. integrity of data

2.2. confidentiality of data

2.3. privacy of users

2.3.1. pseudonimity

2.4. authentification on a proper and secure way

2.5. trust in the services

2.6. availability

3. Missing Features

3.1. generation of model from nodered libraries

3.2. downloadable model from IoT sensor for example sensortag

4. Standarts-Norms

4.1. ThingML

4.2. IoT-A 257521

4.2.1. Authorization RBAC: role-based access control ABAC attribute-based access control XACML exXtensible Access Control Markup language extension for distribution when (policies contain confidential inforamtion) (authZ not enough powerfull for complex policy evaluation task)

4.2.2. Authentification Binding of identity to a subject knowledege-based: what the user knows biometric-based: what the user is possession-based: what the user has

4.2.3. Identity Management

4.2.4. Key Exchange and Managemrent

4.2.5. Trust & reputation

5. Privacy

5.1. Homomorphic encryption

5.1.1. Homomorphic encryption is a form of encryption that allows computations to be carried out on ciphertext, thus generating an encrypted result which, when decrypted, matches the result of operations performed on the plaintext.

6. Experts

6.1. Sciences&Vie

6.1.1. Ludovic Le Moan (sigfox) fondateur SigFox

6.1.2. Stéphane Curtelin (LG)

6.1.3. Fabrice Massin (markting ACER)

6.1.4. Jérôme Boissou

6.2. CEA

7. Protocol

7.1. Bluetooth

7.2. NFC

7.3. IP

7.4. RF

7.5. BLE

7.5.1. Bluetooth Low Energy

7.5.2. Nokia, wibree

7.5.3. Ten times lower energy for same aerea

7.5.4. Smart

7.6. SigFox

8. sensors

8.1. SensorTag

9. Companies

9.1. Texas Instrument

9.2. IBM

9.3. Google

9.4. Amazon

9.5. LaPoste

10. ResearchTeam

10.1. Leti

10.1.1. [email protected] /letidays in 2014

11. Development Environment

11.1. NodeRed

11.1.1. make a plugin to reverse a nodered to a model

11.1.2. reverse the libraries

11.2. Codebender

12. IDM Environment

12.1. http://thingml.org/

12.2. http://kevoree.org/

13. Low Power Wide Area

13.1. NB-IoT

13.2. LTE-M (évolution du LTE aussi dénommée LTE MTC Cat-M1)

13.3. EC-GSM-IoT (réservé, lui, aux réseaux 2G