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Social Control 저자: Mind Map: Social Control

1. Formal

1.1. Laws

1.1.1. against deviant behavior

1.2. Police

1.2.1. authoritative figures/ official sanctions that enforce formal social controls

1.3. imposed when social control does not work

2. Informal

2.1. Moral Code

2.1.1. Set of rules prescribing righteous behaviour, accepted by a person/group of people; this is reinforced by formal measures like laws, it is wrong to kill, hence murder is illegal. also by customs...forgiving others and peace is good, christmas celebrates these things...etc

2.2. Customs

2.2.1. what most people do

2.3. Norms

2.3.1. What is common in a society

2.4. Peer Pressure

2.4.1. Could force you to follow the norm as people generally do not want to stand out in a negative way

2.5. Internal Control

2.5.1. Internal control is a set of rules and norms not explicitly stated but followed.

2.6. External Control

2.6.1. Various measures put in place that an individual has to follow but imposed by external parties.

2.7. Duty

2.7.1. Having a need to conform to the norm because of responsibilities

2.8. Values

2.8.1. Moral compass that guides your actions and decisions

2.9. Shame

2.9.1. Could force you to fit in with the others

2.10. Guilt

2.10.1. Could force you to follow the norm

2.11. Acceptance

2.11.1. When forced to follow the norm (or be ostracised), most people will become accepting of a certain norm as they do not want to be an outlier or deviant

2.11.2. when we see a link between the group code and our needs/values, etc.

2.12. Negotiation

2.12.1. To try to convince others to follow the norm