My Foundations of Education

Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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My Foundations of Education 저자: Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. History of U.S. Education

1.1. Important Educational Reform Movements

1.1.1. Social-Engineering Reform

1.1.2. Child-Centered Reform

1.1.3. Civil Rights Act

1.2. Historical interpretation of U.S. Education

1.2.1. Meritocracy

1.2.2. Utilitarianism

2. Philosophy of Education

2.1. Realism

2.1.1. Historical Tradition values

2.1.2. Goal of Education is provide Problem Solving skills for the Modern World

2.1.3. Teacher Centered

2.2. Progressivism

2.2.1. Student Centered

2.2.2. Teacher becomes more of a facilitator

2.2.3. Produced well-rounded member of society

3. Educational Reform

3.1. School-Based

3.1.1. No Child Left Behind

3.1.2. School of Choice

3.1.3. Tuition Vouchers

3.1.4. Charter Schools

3.2. Community

3.2.1. At-Risk Nieghborhoods

3.2.2. Anyon's (1997)

3.2.3. Harlem Children's Zone

4. Equality of Opportunity

4.1. Unequal Achievement

4.1.1. Functionalists Schools role to provide fair and meritocratic selection process Find the Best Students

4.1.2. Conflict Theorists Schools role is to eliminate inequality Success based on Family background

4.2. School-Centered Explanation

4.2.1. Success based on Social-Economics

4.2.2. Lower-Social Economics Outside Enviroments

5. Educational Inequality

5.1. Educational Achievement

5.1.1. African-American Civil Rights Legislation 1960S Highest Drop-out Rate at 17.6% Segregated by Social Class

5.1.2. Women Higher Level of Reading Lower Test Score

5.2. Coleman Study (1996)

5.2.1. Characteristics of Schools and Student Achievement

5.2.2. Highly Qualified and Realistic: YES

6. Curriculum and Pedagogy

6.1. Historical Curriculum

6.1.1. Western Liberal Arts

6.1.2. Traditional Liberal Arts

6.1.3. Social Meliorist

6.2. Sociological Curriculum

6.2.1. The Hidden

6.2.2. Functionalist Theory

6.2.3. Neo-Marxist Conflict Theory

7. Schools as Organizations

7.1. State Officials

7.1.1. Robert Bentley (Govener)

7.1.2. Paul Sanders (Senator)

7.1.3. Jim Patterson (Representative)

7.2. Huntsville City

7.2.1. Dr. Casey Wardynski (Superintendent)

7.2.2. Mr. Walker McGinnis (Area Board Member)

7.3. U.S. Officials

7.3.1. Richard Shelby and Jeff Sessions (Senators)

7.3.2. Mo Brooks (Representative)

8. Sociological Perspectives

8.1. SocializationTheory

8.1.1. Lifelong process of inheriting and disseminating norms, customs, values and ideologies, providing an individual with the skills and habits necessary for participating within their own society

8.2. Cultural Reproduction

8.2.1. Cultural experience is sustained across time.

8.2.2. 1) parental cultural capital is inherited by children. 2) children’s cultural capital is converted into educational credentials. 3) educational credentials are a major mechanism of social reproduction in advanced capitalist societies.

8.3. Structural Inequalities

8.3.1. Tracking System: Separating students based off their education levels. (High and Low) Leaving the Low Track student further behind.

8.3.2. School Zone: With strict school zone this often leads to segregation based off ecosocial classes. Making Elite schools and Failing schools.

9. Politics of Education

9.1. Neo-Liberal

9.1.1. Urban school reform and efforts to reduce the achievement gap

9.1.2. 5 areas for Educational Policy: 1. Aysterity 2. The market model 3. Individualism 4. State Inervention 5. Economic prosperity, race and class

9.1.3. Improve Urban public schools End Public School Monopoly Charters / Vouchers

9.2. Progressivism

9.2.1. "the Idea of Progress, which asserts that advancement in science, technology, economic development, and social organization are vital to improve the human condition."

9.2.2. Progressivists believe that education should focus on the whole child, rather than on the content or the teacher. educational philosophy stresses that students should test ideas by active experimentation Learning is rooted in the questions of learners that arise through experiencing the world.