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Poroits mystery 저자: Mind Map: Poroits mystery

1. Murderer?

2. weapon in her room

2.1. Told everybody

2.2. she grabbed it so therer will be no fingerprints other than hers

3. Helena Goldenberg!!!!

3.1. Younger sister of The mother Armstrong!

4. Count Andreynia

5. A women with a Kimono of scarlet with dragons on it near the crime.

6. Gold watch (Cases serverly dented and show a quarter past one

7. Pipe cleaner found

7.1. Ratchett had no pipes or tobacco in his pockets

8. Caroline Martha Hubbard

8.1. American

8.2. Loud mouthed

8.3. Talks about duaghter

8.4. Door wasn't bolted between her and Ratchet's room

9. Ratchet

9.1. Rich

9.2. American

9.3. Mysterious

9.4. Dead

9.5. Stabbed around 10-15 places

9.6. Said he had a lot of enemies

9.7. He was named Cassette,kidnap and killed a little girl,named Daisy Armstrong, Resulting in 4 (you could say 5) deaths.

10. Greta Ohlsson

10.1. Said the door between Ratchet and Hubbard was bolted

10.2. Swedish

10.3. 49 years old

10.4. Had a young english lady with her

10.5. Says the door was bolted

10.6. lower berth No.10

10.7. Nurse for Daisy Armstrong

11. German Women

11.1. Middle aged

12. Princess Dragomiroff

12.1. Very Ugly

12.2. Very Rich

12.3. Very high Personality

12.4. God-mother of Ms.Armstrong

12.5. Doesn't know where Mrs.Armstrong's sister is

12.6. Said to Poirot something about destiny

13. Hungarian Couple

14. Antonio Foscarelli

14.1. agent for Ford motor cars

14.2. Wants to tell everything

14.3. CAr person for Armstrong

15. English man

15.1. neat

15.2. Expressionless face of a well trained sefvant

16. Mr.Cyrum Bethum Hardman

16.1. American Detective pretending to be a travelling salesman for type writing ribbons

16.2. American

16.3. Ratchet sending him a letter for help

16.4. The person out to get ratchett he says is a small man dark with a womanish voice

17. the window in ratchet's room opened but no tracks out

18. The room locked on the inside

19. Claimed a figure in her room

20. stabs random

21. Murderer(s)?

21.1. Small man dark with a womanish voice?

21.1.1. Pretending to be a conductor?

22. Possoblilty to decieve people by making it seem as if the murderer fled out a window

22.1. No finger prints on the windows

23. Pier Michell

23.1. First to find body

23.2. Wagon lit conductor

23.3. been employed for 15 years

23.4. Frenchman who lives near Calias

23.5. Bouc says he is respectable and honest

23.6. says he was sitting at his corridor and talking to his coleauge during the crime

24. Cambret found

24.1. Woman Involved?

25. False Evidence?

26. Went to bed just after dinner

26.1. His valet and his Secretary were in their

27. Edward Henry Masterman

27.1. the valet of Ratchett

27.2. Poured Ratchet his sleeping draught but didn't see him drink it

27.3. Last saw Ratchett around 9 o'clock or a little after

27.4. Knows Ratchett had enemies

27.5. A big Italian man was with him during the crime scene

27.6. Had a tooth ache and didn't sleep during the crime

27.7. Stays in No.4

28. Events

28.1. 9:15 train leaves Blegrade

28.2. around 9:40 Valet leaves Ratchett with sleeping draught

28.3. around 10:00 MacQueen leaves Ratchett

28.4. around 10:40 Greta sees ratchet (Last seen alive) awake reading a book

28.5. 0:10 Train leaves Vincovci (late)

28.6. 0:30 Train runs into snow drift

28.7. 0.:37 Ratchet rings bell. Conductor answers it and ratchet says it is nothing he made a mistake in french but doesn't know french

28.8. around 1:17 Mrs.Hubbard claims man in her compartment and ringed the bell

29. Linda Arden

29.1. Sister of Mrs.Armstrong

30. Kimono dress

30.1. Slim and tall

31. Hildegarde Schmidt

31.1. ran into a conductor who never ansewred a bell

31.2. Saw a conductor she had never seen before

31.3. Hesitated when asked if she knew where the handkerchief belonged to

32. Handkerchief

32.1. A lady's hankerchief

32.2. Initials H

32.3. From Paris?

33. Murder posibillities

33.1. 1. It was at a quarter past one

33.2. 2. Crime was committed earlier and the watch is fake

33.3. 3. Crime committed earlier and the evidenced faked

34. A knife

34.1. Patches of what looks like rust

35. Button found for a wagon lit conductor in Mrs.Hubbard's room

35.1. Doesn't belong to any of the Conductors

36. A match that didn't belong to Ratchett

37. Said he last saw Ratchett around 10:00

38. Death a quarter past 1?

38.1. Alive during 1:37

39. Mary Hermione Debenham

39.1. British

39.2. Nanny

39.3. Going to England from Iraq

39.4. Saw the woman in the scarlet dress with a cap on

39.5. Direct and ordely

39.6. Starts to lose her temper on the subject of her transport and her reasons going somewhere

39.6.1. being very suspicious

39.7. Governess of the Armstrong family

40. Poirot

41. Col.Arbuthnot

41.1. Retired Colnol

41.2. Romantic intersest for MAry Debenham

41.3. smokes a pipe

41.4. Rather have a execution than vengance

41.5. Saw/sensed a woman (Scent of a perfume)

41.6. Saw the man in NO.16 Suddenly closed the door a bot odd

41.7. Same pipe cleaner as found

42. Hector Willard MacQueen

42.1. Works for Ratchett

42.2. Doesn't like Ratchett and distrusts him

42.3. Address in New York

42.4. Says he never knew ratchett was casseti

42.5. Talking with Arbuthnot, doing letters during the crime as he says

42.6. he says he saw a women going to a door to outside near the Dining area

42.7. Nervous wen being searched

43. Said either woman or italian (stereotypical)

44. Relations with ratchett

44.1. Not surprised of his death

44.2. Doesn't seem to care of his employer's death

44.3. Doesn't know anything about Ratchett

44.4. Saw the threat letters of Ratchett

44.5. Glad of his death

45. Death threats

45.1. Something about Ratchett double crossing

45.2. Two or more people wrote it

45.3. letters are printed

45.4. Last one in the morning when they left Constantinople (what M.MacQueen says).

46. Dead Body

46.1. Two stabs after Death?

46.2. Right handed and left handed stabs

46.3. Two murderers?

46.4. Drugged?

47. A burnt note that says "-member little Daisy Armstrong."

48. Wagon lit conductor

49. Wagon lit uniform

49.1. Probably had a key?