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Elderly 저자: Mind Map: Elderly

1. 2.Weakness

1.1. Long term Illness

1.1.1. diabetes

1.1.2. high blood pressure

1.2. Action

1.2.1. Clumsy

1.3. Reaction

1.3.1. slow

2. Appearance

2.1. Brain

2.1.1. Forget the things easily

2.1.2. insomnia

2.2. Eyes

2.2.1. eyelid become thick and down

2.3. Ear

2.3.1. hear sound not well

2.4. Mouth/tooth

2.4.1. Periodontal Disease

2.4.2. tooth loss with age

2.5. Hair

2.5.1. like a wire

2.5.2. Fine

3. 1.Problem

4. Target group

4.1. Over 60 years old

4.1.1. Impact of the problem? Coz by old age Health

5. Body/figure

5.1. Skin

5.1.1. sensitive to get hurt

5.1.2. bent easily

5.2. Shoulder

5.2.1. Sloping shoulder

5.3. Hand

5.3.1. full of wrinkle

5.3.2. liver spot

5.3.3. freckle

5.4. Leg

5.4.1. Rhenmatism,feel pain

5.4.2. Genu Varum problem

5.4.3. Edema problem

5.5. Excretion system

5.5.1. having toilet over night

6. 3.Special Needs

6.1. Health

6.1.1. Medicine

6.1.2. eat green and balanced

6.2. Action clumsy

6.2.1. use the wheel chair

6.2.2. some body help

6.2.3. walking stick

6.3. safety measures

6.3.1. home non-slip mat put the stuff lower,easy to get

6.3.2. out side walking stick

7. 4.Problem regarding

7.1. Social factors

7.1.1. Nowadays society/government be short of money assistance of elderly old age allowance health care vouchers

7.2. Economic factors

7.2.1. Inflation rate high cost medical Food Elderly supplies

7.3. Technology factors

7.3.1. Medical treatment life expectancy