Little Miss Sunshine

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Little Miss Sunshine 저자: Mind Map: Little Miss Sunshine

1. Ordinary World- The family is getting ready for dinner and they get a call that Olive can be in the beauty pageant.

2. Call to Adventure- The family needs to bring Olive to California and Richard is the only one who knows how to drive the van.

2.1. The family needs to bring Olive to California and Richard is the only one who knows how to drive the van.

3. Refusal of the Call- Richard asks Olive if she actually thinks she can win because he doesn’t really want to go.

4. Meeting the Mentor- The grandpa gives Richard strength even when he fails. He also encourages Olive to at least give it a try even if she doesn’t win, winning isn’t everything.

5. Crossing the Threshold- The family makes their way to california in the van, which is considered their own little world.

6. Tests, Allies, and Enemies- Richard’s allies and enemies are both his family at some point in his journey.

7. Approach to the inmost cave- Richard is faced to deal with his dad dying.

8. Supreme Ordeal- The family steals the grandpa’s body in order to disregard making arrangements for a funeral, since they didn’t have time for that.

9. Reward – Seizing the Prize- He learns to care less and less about winning or losing and more about his own family.

10. The road back- Richard joins Olive in her dance at the beauty pageant, along with the rest of the family too.

11. Crossing the Threshold – ‘Resurrection’- The family returns home and Richard has a better understanding of himself and his family.

12. Return with the elixir- Richard has a better attitude toward life.