HUDL Technique (shot put. Technology helps because it's a good source).

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HUDL Technique (shot put. Technology helps because it's a good source). 저자: Mind Map: HUDL Technique (shot put. Technology helps because it's a good source).

1. You can add notes and drawings to highlight necessary changes.

2. Set of tools for instructors and coaches

3. Movement produces kinetic energy, which can be converted into power.

4. Using technology is important because it gives advise on what to do to get better in physical and technical innovations. From coaches all around the world who are experienced.

5. Movement analysis help us to change for the better.

6. the use of Technology can help us identify our mistakes and how to improve.

7. slow motion video analysis app.

8. Helps coaches and athletes to improve in any sports.

9. Using your mobile devise you can record and breakdown an athletes technique.

10. Technology that provides instant feedback.

11. science and technology's advances on the environment around us and the community.

12. Be able to train ourselves without a coach. Being independent.