leccion 16-24

mapa mental

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leccion 16-24 저자: Mind Map: leccion 16-24

1. fercuency adverbs

1.1. she always

1.1.1. http://image.slidesharecdn.com/1-140306134930-phpapp02/95/14-adverbios-de-frecuencia-always-usually-sometimes-never-10-638.jpg?cb=1394113935

1.2. examples

1.2.1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__Q4wTOnquto/TNNQNxClhDI/AAAAAAAAAAU/FygCnegM10M/s1600/i-can-always-make-you-smile.jpg

2. gramar

2.1. It is used to ask for amounts of something

2.2. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Fzm0Vhabrfs/T2KX8yBLFUI/AAAAAAAAAOI/yl0u4x5FWaM/s1600/how%2Bmuch.gif

3. past silple

3.1. s

3.2. q

4. who, whas and what

4.1. Want" means " love " in Spanish and is one of the most commonly used English verbs. It is a " stative verb " , ie , a verb that describes a mood or a way of being

4.1.1. .

4.2. video

4.3. video

5. present tense

5.1. afirmative

5.1.1. see

5.1.2. afirmative

5.2. cuestions words

5.2.1. question

5.3. do and does

5.3.1. do

5.3.2. does

6. i have a notebook

6.1. image

6.2. I have a big family

6.2.1. I have a coffe coffe

6.3. have

6.4. I dont have a big family

7. pronouns interrogatives

7.1. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUgczZQWUAE1VZW.jpg

7.2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSYlkmAQJNs

7.3. http://image.slidesharecdn.com/thepresentsimplepresentation-121111152914-phpapp01/95/the-present-simple-presentation-5-638.jpg?cb=1352647791