1776-1861 Natives, Africans, Mestizos in the U.S.

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1776-1861 Natives, Africans, Mestizos in the U.S. 저자: Mind Map: 1776-1861 Natives, Africans, Mestizos in the U.S.

1. American Indians

2. Foreigners in their own land

2.1. Spanish was the first language spoken

2.2. Natives were slaves

3. Mexican Americans

3.1. After war, they only had one year to decide to stay or move out

3.2. Auto citizenship within a year

4. Indian Removal

4.1. Drove Indians out of their native lands

4.2. According to Jackson it was a great benefit for Natives

4.3. Peaceful enviroment

5. Jackson

5.1. Wrote Declaration of Independence

5.2. Great Negotiator

5.3. Slave owner

6. Manisfest Destiny

6.1. Phrase Politicians & Leaders used for continental expansion in the U.S.

7. Antonia

7.1. New world accomplishment

7.2. Modern day alphabet

8. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

8.1. Gain new states: TX, CO, CA, WY, UT & NM

9. African Americans

9.1. Sold in Auction

9.2. Most used for Plantaions

9.3. A very small percentage were not slaves

10. Jefferson

10.1. wrote Declaration of Indepence

10.2. own approx. 100 slaves

10.3. Jefferson in Virginia