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Peggy 저자: Mind Map: Peggy

1. Jeremy Fink

1.1. They don't know if there is a love connection

1.1.1. Jeremy has a crush on his long time " Girl friend"

1.2. Searching for something more in life

1.2.1. Jeremy went searching for a box with "the meaning of life" in it. The box was left for Jeremy when his dad died

2. Mia

2.1. Feel like an outcast/ freak

2.1.1. Mia has a condition called Synesthesia. This makes her different than most kids. She is considered a "freak"

2.2. Does not know how do deal with her feelings

3. Hazel

3.1. Both have drama in their lives

3.2. Don't know who to trust

3.3. Get caught between Ideas

4. Beverly

4.1. Don't know what to do next (make her next move)

4.1.1. Beverly does not know if she wants to keep or give up her baby just like Peggy does not know if she should tell Mary about her boyfriend cheating on her.

4.2. Feel caught between two choices

4.3. Both had to "grow up fast"

4.3.1. Peggy was living with a single mom so she had to help around the hosue at a young age. Beverly had a child at a young age so she had to become more responcable at a young age just like peggy

5. Olive

5.1. Feel like an outcast

5.2. Lots of drama in their lives

5.3. Who is a true friend?

6. Hobbies

6.1. Snowboarding

6.1.1. When peggy snowboards she feels free of everything. No drama or no school problems

6.2. Cooking

6.2.1. When peggy gets stressed she comes up with creative and delishius recipes. This is a reaction to her stress levels