What to do about word courses? Currently the three shorter, supplemental word courses don't attra...

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What to do about word courses? Currently the three shorter, supplemental word courses don't attract a big enough audience and they last too long at two hours. Can we 1) reduce the length and 2) attract more people? 저자: Mind Map: What to do about word courses? Currently the three shorter, supplemental word courses don't attract a big enough audience and they last too long at two hours. Can we 1) reduce the length and 2) attract more people?

1. Top ranked solution task list

1.1. Create three Lynda playlists that cover the topics of the three courses with no duplication.  Design scenarios with a task that should reasonably be complete in 45 minutes - at least one for each playlist.  Write protocols for facilitating workshop.  Write description for Assist.  Write example solutions (which should be a document with instructions on how it was produced which must be linked back to the Lynda materials.

2. Second ranked solution task list

2.1. Edit the existing materials for each of the three courses.  Remove any material from each that is covered by the Master Course.  Remove any elements of tasks that are not covered by the reduced content supplemental course. We could encourage candidates to use Lynda by adding links that provide further information for these tasks.

3. Third ranked solution task list

3.1. In creating the three separate word course the belief was that the original course would be dropped to be replaced by the more in-depth courses as this was not the case and as the courses have not had the expected uptake then reverting to the original course would seem to be an option.

4. Alternatives: There is duplication between the Master Course and the supplemental courses.  This provides some slack for a redesign.  We came up with three basic alternative approaches.

4.1. Abolish the supplemental courses

4.1.1. Effort score:0

4.1.2. First round votes: 0

4.1.3. Second round votes: 0

4.1.4. Ranked preference: 3

4.2. Replace the three courses by three specially constructed, targeted Lynda play lists which are followed at a one hour practical workshop (a la Jenni Brown) facilitated by STAs.  Provide a variety of task sheets based on scenarios each linked to a particular play list.  Provide example solutions at the end of the workshop.

4.2.1. Effort score: 3.25

4.2.2. First round votes: 3

4.2.3. Ranked preference: 1

4.3. Remove the duplication from the supplemental courses and offer them as one hour trainer led classroom courses covering only the distinct content

4.3.1. Effort score: 2

4.3.2. First round votes: 0

4.3.3. Second round votes: 3

4.3.4. Ranked preference: 2