CST Dec Meeting - Group 3

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CST Dec Meeting - Group 3 저자: Mind Map: CST Dec Meeting - Group 3

1. Tech issues

1.1. Bx kit

1.1.1. Meeting minimum spec

1.1.2. Standardising

1.1.3. hardware/software

1.2. Network reliability

1.2.1. Are network SLAs in line with Petra SLAs?

2. Teams

2.1. Service Desk

2.2. BST

2.3. Service Delivery

2.4. ITMCs

2.5. ICTAs

2.6. ICT development

2.7. CMIT

2.8. Legal Services team

2.9. Adviceline Ops

2.10. SMT

2.11. Audit

2.12. BMCs

2.13. PDMs

2.14. Bx Direct

2.15. Web team

2.16. Social Policy

3. Best practice/Top tips etc

3.1. How to publicise?

3.1.1. Petra blog

3.2. elearning

3.3. online help updated v responsively

4. Processes

4.1. Staff leaving

4.1.1. Enquiries transferred

4.2. staff moving between bx

4.3. Need a 'Petra down' process

4.4. Bx mergers

4.4.1. Tech issues

4.4.2. Admin/reporting issues

4.5. Gathering/prioritising bx requests/suggestions

4.5.1. Should be integrated into CRM

4.6. Petra support for CitA users

5. Changes to reporting

5.1. Limit access to report writing

5.2. Risk that bx won't understand figs and will use inappropriately

5.3. Focus on core 'out of the box' reports

6. Projects

6.1. National (Citizens Advice)

6.1.1. Point of contact - CMIT? ICT?

6.2. Regional/Local (Bx)

6.2.1. Point of contact BST

6.3. Need improved process for agreeing reporting requirements and processes

6.3.1. Including costs of development and/or support

7. Post implementation handover

7.1. Access to implementation records

7.1.1. all records kept in RMS By site or by member? Codes need agreeing

7.2. Need a summary of info by member bx

7.2.1. Any outstanding issues

7.2.2. Any unusual reporting requirements

8. Support teams

8.1. Need appropriate training

8.1.1. Do ICTAs need to be familiar with Petra? mixed opinions on this

8.2. SDesk should be SPOC for *everything*

8.2.1. With clear understanding of routing for 2nd line support

8.2.2. Encourage bx to be self sufficient with help etc

8.3. Access to appropriate systems

8.3.1. G2A

8.3.2. Webex replacement

8.4. Feedback into online help

8.5. Feedback into future development

8.6. Need understanding of product roadmap