Monica Cable “Beyond the ‘Pattern of Heaven’: Gender, Kinship and the Family in China”

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Monica Cable “Beyond the ‘Pattern of Heaven’: Gender, Kinship and the Family in China” 저자: Mind Map: Monica Cable “Beyond the ‘Pattern of Heaven’: Gender, Kinship and the Family in China”

1. gender organization

1.1. men become "junzi" or gentlemen

1.2. women help men become "junzi"

2. confuciansim

2.1. contributes to patriarchal social order that places women inferior to men

3. chinese gov't (CCP)

3.1. one child policy after 1949

3.1.1. only allowed one child per family

3.2. Attempts to eliminate ancestor worship

3.3. Child marriage and concubinage prohibited

4. different ethnic groups in china

4.1. the Dai

4.2. the lahu

4.3. the Musuo