Oscar Hernandez, College of Public Service & Community Solutions Senator

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Oscar Hernandez, College of Public Service & Community Solutions Senator 저자: Mind Map: Oscar Hernandez, College of Public Service & Community Solutions Senator

1. Group Goals

1.1. Collaborate with other USGD representatives on legislative matters and other various assignments.

2. Long-Term Goals

2.1. Meet with the appropriate ASU personnel to identify the reasons why the online fee exists. Create a poll to see if students want the removal of this fee. Remove the fee.

3. Short-Term Goals

3.1. Survey ASU students to identify how much they value online classes compared to traditional classes. Determine where students stand on the mandatory online fee for online classes.

4. Personal Goals

4.1. Familiarize myself with the ASU culture and the students who I will be representing. Foster relationships with USGD members and ASU faculty. Witness a proposal of mine become a policy at the Downtown campus. Understand the politics within ASU.