St. Leonard's Community Services

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St. Leonard's Community Services 저자: Mind Map: St. Leonard's Community Services

1. Mission: St. Leonard's Community Services responds to needs by providing quality addiction, mental health, employment, education, justice and residential programs that enable children, youth, adults and families to overcome challenges through choices that result in positive change.

2. Values and Beliefs

2.1. As we discharge our mission in pursuit of our vision, we adhere to the following values and beliefs:

2.1.1. 1)  A commitment to excellence in client service.

2.1.2. 2)  Respect for the dignity and diversity of our clients, staff and community.

2.1.3. 3)  Support and recognition of our staff.

2.1.4. 4)  Collaboration and knowledge exchange.

2.1.5. 5)  Accountability to our funders, clients, partners and the community.

3. Support can be accessed by referral, online, by email, by calling to book an appointment, or by calling the 24 hour crisis support line.

3.1. I have seen St. Leonard's help many students by offering mental health support.  Teachers at my school have helped students by contacting St. Leonard's on their behalf and helping to facilitate a connection for them.  It is also a resource that has been available for teachers to get advice on how we can best support students and families in specific situations through referrals, providing resources and directing them to available supports and services.

4. St. Leonard's recognizes that it supports a diverse community and strives to represent the cultural cross-section of that community.

4.1. Based on the assessed strengths, risks and needs of the client, staff co ordinate holistic service plans that are client centered and directed.

4.2. Support is offered in English and French languages.

4.3. The website and resources can be translated into 57 different languages.

5. This is a non-profit, charitable agengy that offers a variety of supports for Children, Families and individuals who may need help in a variety of areas.  It serves Brant and Haldimand counties.

5.1. Crisis Line

5.2. Employment Services

5.2.1. Job Seekers

5.2.2. Employer Services

5.2.3. Retraining

5.3. Addiction Services

5.3.1. Substance use

5.3.2. Gambling

5.3.3. Day Treatment Women's and Men's Programs

5.3.4. Family Support

5.3.5. Needle Exchange

5.4. Mental health support

5.4.1. For children, youth and adults

5.5. Housing support

5.5.1. Supporting housing

5.5.2. Tranisitional housing

5.5.3. Youth residential

5.5.4. Affordable housing

5.6. Justice program information