Five Steps for (SUM)

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Five Steps for (SUM) 저자: Mind Map: Five Steps for (SUM)

1. "THE WHERE" SUM should first take place in the home; however, this isn’t always the case for various reasons.  For instance, many ELL students’ parents don’t speak English either.  However, in Oto’s and Maria’s case, home is like another classroom. To improve and continue teaching Oto and Maria English, we have Q & A in class and group collaboration.

2. The “WHO” is definitely me! The teacher! For (SUM), Oto and Maria look to me to promote and create a classroom filled with all kinds of cultures.  Not only the Senegal and Honduras cultures, but the Asian, Jamaican, Japan, and Germany cultures should be represented, also.

3. "THE WHAT" Oto and Maria have a lot of support. For (SUM), I would implement the following:

4. "THE HOW" FOR CHALLENGES & SOLUTIONS                                 CHALLENGE- Teachers' Ignorance. We don't know what we don't know.       SOLUTIONS- Be patient, great listener, empathize, encourage,and teach. Attend training i.e. Bridging Cultures                              CHALLENGE- Students often feel intimidated & alone                       SOLUTIONS-Group classwork, projects, homework, classroom tasks             CHALLENGE- Writing in English (specifically parts of speech)                              SOLUTIONS-(Offer exit tickets) students name three things they've learned from the lesson or built on for extra credit, prizes, and or rewards

4.1. "THE HOW" FOR ASSESSING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF 5W   1. Confirm the attendance of other cultural events by personally attending some/check with other staff members 2. Weekly collaboration with Maria’s tutor, Rachel 3. Weekly dictionary checks 4. Required parent’s signature in dictionaries, homework and failing grades 5. Use written and verbal pop quizzes (particular helpful w/ Oto & Maria on simple sentences) 6. Grade classwork, homework & tests etc. 7. Short presentations (aides with reading, writing, listening, and speaking)

5. Oto's Cultural

6. ELL Challenges

7. Maria's Cultrual

8. "THE WHEN" I personally collaborate with my students’ special teachers, for instance, Physical Ed. Spanish, Music etc. These teachers are all avenues in which I use to affirm my students.  For instance, one of Oto’s verb in her dictionary was “run”.  I shared mentioned it to the P.E. teacher.  He too was able to affirm Oto because the lesson was about exercise and health.

9. "WHY" • A culturally diverse classroom affirms Oto, Maria, and other students in the classroom, it’s a sense of belonging to something; we all desire (social inclusion) • The dictionary is pertinent because it builds vocab, creates grammatical foundation, and boosts confidence which inspires learning the language • Summoning the input of Oto and Maria for definitions or terms in their language (SUM)