Is the student showing positive behavior?

Map of positive and negative consequences for student behavior.

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Is the student showing positive behavior? 저자: Mind Map: Is the student showing positive behavior?

1. Yes

1.1. Green Virtue Card

1.1.1. Courage

1.1.2. Honesty

1.1.3. Perserverance

1.1.4. Humility

1.1.5. Friendship

1.1.6. Integrity

1.1.7. Wisdom

1.1.8. Citizenship

1.1.9. Responsiblity

1.2. Indirect praise

1.3. Group praise

1.4. Individual praise

1.5. Reward

2. No

2.1. Indirect Warning

2.2. Direct Warning

2.3. Reflection time in the back of the classroom

2.4. Yellow Consequence Card

2.4.1. One minute reflection at recess

2.4.2. Picking up 10 pieces of trash

2.4.3. 5 minute reflection at recess

2.4.4. Help a neighbor

2.5. Orange Consequence Card

2.5.1. Ten minute reflection of recess

2.5.2. Leave the community of learners for 2 minutes

2.5.3. Community clean up

2.5.4. Lose the privilege of the activity

2.5.5. Visit another classroom of Great Hearted learners

2.6. Red Consequence Card

2.6.1. Lunch Detention

2.6.2. Call Home

2.6.3. A visit with the Dean of Students

2.6.4. Leave the school for the rest of the day