My Foundations of Education

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My Foundations of Education 저자: Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. Philosophy of Education

1.1. Pragmatism is generally viewed as an American philosophy that developed in latter 19th century. George Sanders Pierce (1839-1914) ,William James (1842-1910),and John Dewey (1859-1952)are considered the founders. Pragmatists are action oriented, experientally grounded, and will generally pose questions such as "What will work to achieve my desired goals.

1.1.1. Dewey's progressive methodology rested on the notion that children were active, organic beings,growing and changing, and thus required a course of study that would reflect their particular stages of development.

1.1.2. Dewey's primary role of education was growth. In a famous section of Democracy and Education, Dewey (1916) stated that education had no other goals than growth.

1.1.3. The role of the teacher is the facilitator. The teacher encourages, offers suggestions, questions, and helps plan and implement courses of study.

1.1.4. Dewey proposed that children learn both individually and in groups. Today, we refer to this as problem-solving or inquiry method.

1.1.5. Progressive schools generally follow Dewey's notion of a core curriculum, or an integrated curriculum. Progressive educators support starting with contemporary problems and working from the known to the unknown, or what is know called the curriculum of expanding environments.

2. Schools as Organizations

2.1. state senators

2.1.1. Richard Shelby "since 1987"

2.1.2. Jeff Sessions "since 1997"

2.2. House of Representives

2.2.1. Mac McCutcheon  Speaker of the House

2.2.2. Micky Hammon Majority Leader

2.2.3. Craig Ford Minority leader

2.2.4. Victor Gaston Speaker Pro Tempore

2.2.5. Jeff Woodard Clerk of the House

2.2.6. Nathaniel Ledbetter  DeKalb County

2.3. State Superintendent

2.3.1. Micheal Sentance

2.4. representives on state school board

2.4.1. Robert Bently  "President"

2.4.2. Micheal Sentence "Superintendent/Secretary"

2.4.3. Matthew Brown "District 1"

2.4.4. Betty Peters "District 2"

2.4.5. Stephanie W. Bell "District 3"

2.5. Local superintendent and local board

2.5.1. Hugh Taylor "superintendent

2.5.2. Matt Sharp "chairman"

2.5.3. Jeff Williams "Vice Chairman"

2.5.4. Randy Peppers "Member"

2.5.5. Mark Richards "Member"

2.5.6. Terry Wootten "Member"

2.6. elements of change within school processes and school cultures

2.6.1. changing the culture of a school in order to make school more learner centered requires time,effort,intelligence,and good will

2.6.2. planned change requires new ways of thinking

2.6.3. conflict is a necessary part of change

3. Curriculum & Pedagogy

3.1. social efficiency curriculum

3.1.1. it was marked by the process of different curriculum ,scientific management and standardize testing

3.1.2. one of the advantages is with the testing it helps get the students the help they may need in an area

3.2. two dominant traditions of teaching

3.2.1. mimetic based on the viewpoint that the purpose of education is to transmit specific knowledge to students

3.2.2. transformative proponents of this tradition believe that the purpose is to change the student in some meaningful way, including intellectually, creatively, spiritually, and emotionally

4. Equality of Opportunity

4.1. class; generally the wealthy have a greater chance of getting a better education than the poor

4.2. Race: Many white students receive more opportunities than minorities

4.3. Gender: In the past 20 years the gender has got closer , Men generally score better on SATs than females. While females score better overall.

4.4. Coleman Study; Where an indvidual goes to school has little effect on his or her cognitive growth or educational mobility.

4.5. Where an individual goes to school is often related to her race and and socioeconomic background, but the racial and socioeconomic composition of a school has agreater effect on student achievement than an individuals race and class.

5. Educational Inequality

5.1. Cultural deprivation suggests that working class whites and non white families often lack culture resources,

5.2. Cultural difference theory often states there is a job ceiling and could cause unwanted burden on students

5.3. Education equalities

5.3.1. school financing

5.3.2. Curriculum and pedagogic practices

5.3.3. Curriculum and ability grouping

5.3.4. Effective school research

6. Educational Reform

6.1. No child left behind

6.2. President Obama Race To the Top

6.3. No child left behind requires more testing and Ayp. It also requires teachers to be highly qualified

6.4. Race to the top focused on getting students ready for college and turning around our lowest achieving schools

7. Politics of Education

7.1. definition of educational problems

7.1.1. concervatives refer to a decline of standards, culture literacy, values,and authority

7.1.2. liberal perspectives that schools limit the poorand minority children ,focus to much on discipline and authority and traditional curriculum leaves out the diverse cultures in the group

7.1.3. radical perspectives the educational system has failed the poor,minororities,through classist,racist,sexist, and homophobic policies

7.2. explanations of unequal performance

7.2.1. radicals and many liberals suggest that schooling has not provided a reduction in equality of results, and as educational achievement is closely related to socioeconomic backgrounds

7.2.2. conservatives argue that individuals or groups of students rise and fall on their own intelligence,hard work and initiative

7.2.3. liberals argue that some groups have more advantages and we must level the playing field

7.3. Four purposes of education

7.3.1. Intellectual =the basic cognitive skills reading,writing,math

7.3.2. Political = to inculate allegiance,prepare citizens,and to prepare citizens who will participate in this political order. Also to help assimilate diverse culture groups and to teach children basic laws of society.

7.3.3. Social =to help solve social problems,to work as one of many social instituions, to ensure social cohesion; and to socialize children into the various roles,behaviors,and values of society

7.3.4. Economic=prepare students for their later occupational roles and to select,train,and allocateindividualsinto the divison of labor

7.4. the role of the school

7.4.1. directly concerned with the aims,purposes, and functions of education in a society today

7.4.2. conservative perspectives sees the role as providing necessary educational training to ensure that the most talented and hard working individuals receive the tools necessary to maximize economic and social productivity

7.4.3. liberal prospective stresses providing the necessary education to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed in society

7.4.4. radical perspective argue that schools currently reproduce the unequal economic conditions of the capitalists economy and socialize individuals to accept the legitimacy of the society

8. History of U.S Education

8.1. choose and describe a reform movement that you think has had the most influence on education

8.1.1. National Commission on Excellence 1983.  This was founded by Ronald Reaganthis focused on five main issues. Stricter high school and college requirements. More time devoted to teaching basics.Teaching become more rewarding. And citizens require their elective representatives support these reforms.

8.2. choose and describe one historical interpretation of U.S Education

8.2.1. Democratic-Liberal believe that the history of U.S education involves the progressive evolution,although flawed, of a school system committed to providing equalityof opportunity for all. Expand greater opportunities for all minorities.

9. The Sociology of Education

9.1. Define the theoretical perspective concerning the relationship between school and society; functionalism, conflict theory, and interactionalism

9.1.1. The theoretical perspective between school and society are the values,beliefs and norms of society are internalized among the children so they think like other members of society.

9.1.2. Functionalism tends to share the idea that consensus is the normal state in society and that conflict represents a breakdown of shared values.

9.1.3. Conflict theory suggests that the ability of certain groups to impose their will on surbordinate groups through force,cooptation,and manipulation

9.1.4. Interactionalism are primary critques and extensions of the functional and conflict perspectives.

9.2. Five effects of schooling with the greatest impact

9.2.1. Employment : In most cases education will lead to a better job making more money and benefits.

9.2.2. Knowledge and Attitudes: Research has indicated the the more education a person receive,the more likelythey are to read newspapers,books,and magazines,and to take part in politics and public affairs.

9.2.3. Teacher Behavior:  Teacher are models for students and,as instructional leaders,teachers set standards for students and influence student self-esteem and sense of efficacy.

9.2.4. Student peer groups: Student cultures play an important part in shaping high school and college students.

9.2.5. Tracking: Research has found evidence that tracking students could have a negative impact on students, Students may not be able to reach their capabilities due to lower quality teaching