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topic 저자: Mind Map: topic

1. Talking about product

1.1. This handbag is made of crocodile skin.  This cup is made of plastic.  This ashtray was made out of an artillery shell.  He built a house which was made out of Lego bricks.

2. type of advertising

2.1. business Advertising

2.2. institutional advertising

2.3. Local retail advertising or

2.4. Direct Response Advertising

3. product

3.1. ust about developing a great product, there are also the needs that your client asks. Today people are very well informed, know what they want and need

4. price

4.1. enough to compete at the best price. Is more interesting lower cost per acquisition.

5. promotion

5.1. mo I said before, people are informed. The more transparent is your best communication. You have to communicate the benefits and virtues of your products or services

6. place

6.1. mo I said before, people are informed. The more transparent is your best communication