Culture and Language: Migrant Farm Workers & Unaccompanied Children

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Culture and Language: Migrant Farm Workers & Unaccompanied Children 저자: Mind Map: Culture and Language: Migrant Farm Workers & Unaccompanied Children

1. Small Group Activity(What): Teacher reads a story aloud to the class.

1.1. Class and individual participation assessed by the teacher.

2. Class divides into small groups, designated by teacher. (Who)

3. Activity takes place in the classroom, possibly over the course of several days. Utilizes materials available in the classroom. (Where)

4. Designated period of the school day. (When)

5. Activity promotes working together and allows the students to present in a way that is most comfortable to the individual. (Why)

5.1. Having the groups work together relies on their individual strengths. No one person does all the work and no one person's strengths are promoted over anothers.

5.2. Encourages each individual to use their personal strengths, ideas and experiences to contribute to the whole.

5.3. Demonstrates the value of each group member to the small group and to the class as a whole.

5.4. Learners achieve more when they work together with their peers in a supportive way.

6. Students work together to present their interpretation of the major ideas or ideas of the story presented by the teacher. (How)

6.1. Group spokes person may lead the presentation

6.2. Students may draw, write, orally present their portion of the presentation to express themes in the way they prefer.

6.3. Each group member will contribute and present their work.