7 aspects of Civilization

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7 aspects of Civilization 저자: Mind Map: 7 aspects of Civilization

1. Science

1.1. Sumerians

1.1.1. The Sumerians developed a math system based on the number 60.

1.1.2. They also learned geometry, which was necessary to build elaborate structure.

1.1.3. Sumerians also invented the wheel which was used for pottery to build pots and bowls.

1.1.4. They collected an impressive amount of  medical knowledge.

1.2. Shang Zhou

1.2.1. Shang dynasty became very skilled at bronze working

1.2.2. Shang people created a precise calendar based on moon cycles

1.2.3. There is evidence that Shang created one of the first forms of money

1.2.4. In architecture Shang was able to build big structures such as tombs

2. Economy and trade

2.1. Shang Zhou

2.1.1. The Shang Dynasty had lots of uses for bronze tools, so the tools had a very high value, and were being produced more often, and traded more.

2.1.2. Agriculture became very abundant because there were lots of dry grains available, due to many farmers, and specialization of jobs.

2.1.3. Fishing began to grow as an industry when people began to fish in fresh waters.

2.1.4. Pottery became a good market for the economy because there were a lot of uses for storing different items. Also they could heat foods with metal pots.

2.2. Sumerians

2.2.1. Sumerians traded with people across asia to obtain raw materials

2.2.2. The trading in sumer helped develop a social hierarchy

2.2.3. sumerians obtained many of the materials for their buildings from trading also materials for arts

2.2.4. Sumerians traded woven textiles for timber, stone, and metals

3. Religion

3.1. Sumerians

3.1.1. Practiced Polytheism. (worshipped multiple gods)

3.1.2. They believed Gods controlled all natural forces.

3.1.3. Built temples and shrines for their gods.

3.1.4. Believed gods were similar to man.

3.2. Shang Zhou

3.2.1. The Shang Zhou built royal tombs for their leaders.

3.2.2. Their religion was based on honoring their ancestors.

3.2.3. Sacrificed prisoners of war for the Zhou's dead rulers to serve them in the afterlife.

3.2.4. Ate ritualistic meals for their ancestors.

4. Arts & Education

4.1. Sumerians

4.1.1. Ruins from Sumeria provide us with artifacts and show us that they were creative and artistic.

4.1.2. Sumerians used ramps arches and columns for their ziggurats (temples).

4.1.3. They created the first written language, and taught it to others.

4.1.4. They design their own buildings and homes, by rolling a seal over wet clay.

4.2. Shang Zhou

4.2.1. The Shang Zhou used mostly used bonzens to make their bowls and plates, not like the Sumerians.

4.2.2. They didn't make very much art, but they used metal to make sculptures.

4.2.3. The wealthy citizens owned expensive art compared to other civilizations, due to the different metals the Zhou used in their work.

4.2.4. They created highly decorated and elaborate tombs for their deceased leaders.

5. Social Structure & Family Life

5.1. Sumerians

5.1.1. The men held political power and made the laws.

5.1.2. The majority of the women took care of the home and the children.

5.1.3. Women could serve as priestesses in the temples.

5.1.4. Social structure was as follows; At the top were kings and priests, followed by large landowners and wealthy merchants, then regular everyday townsfolk, and at the bottom, slaves.

5.2. Shang Zhou

5.2.1. Shang Zhou were largely an agriculture society.

5.2.2. The Zhou were ruled by a strong monarchy.

5.2.3. The majority of the people were farmers, and also served in the army during wars.

5.2.4. The top citizens of their society were very rich and had lots of leisure time.

6. Geography and Agriculture

6.1. Sumerians

6.1.1. The region of the world that the Sumerians lived in was called the fertile crescent.

6.1.2. The civilization was located in a place called "Mesopotamia" which meant, "Land between two rivers," in Greek.

6.1.3. The river valley in which they lived in was in between the Tigris and Euphrates river

6.1.4. The rivers began in modern day Turkey and went all the way down to the Persian Gulf.

6.2. Shang Zhao

6.2.1. They type of soil that was in the land extremely fertile because the rivers deposited silt when they flooded.

6.2.2. The rivers that the Shang Zhao dynasty had were the Yangzi and the Haung He rivers.

6.2.3. Southern China was better for growing crops due to plenty of rainfall and warm weather.

6.2.4. Northern China was better for dry grains due to its cooler and drier climate.

7. Government and Leaders

7.1. Sumerians

7.1.1. The Sumerians invented the first written language, called cuneiform.

7.1.2. City-states and government formed when agriculture started getting better and population got bigger.

7.1.3. City-states which were groups of cities that shared the same government were ruled by religious leaders.

7.1.4. Once city-states were more organized one person had control of multiple city-states

7.2. Shang Zhou

7.2.1. The Shang dynasty ruled over 482,628 square miles of land.

7.2.2. Early leaders of the Zhou introduced the idea that their gods chose who should be their leader.

7.2.3. The Zhou's government was based on a feudal system.

7.2.4. Their Leaders were honored after death with sacrafices