I am safe when.....

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I am safe when..... 저자: Mind Map: I am safe when.....

1. internet

2. animals

3. school

4. walking

4.1. Look both ways when you cross the road

4.2. Use the pedestrian crossing

4.3. Watch out for traffic

4.4. Walk on the footpath

4.5. Take the quickest way to where you are going

4.6. Don't talk to strangers

4.7. Don't get in strangers cars

5. Playground

5.1. Teachers

5.2. Showing kindess to others

5.3. Play with someone else

5.4. If you are hurt go to the office

5.5. W.I.TS (Walk away, Ignore them, Tell the teacher, Say stop it i don't like it)

5.6. Sharing

5.7. Make new friends

5.8. Play with people who make you HAPPY

5.9. Think before you do something silly

5.10. Use your manners

6. home