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Web Awareness 저자: Mind Map: Web Awareness

1. Internet Safety

1.1. teach students safety?

1.1.1. games

1.1.2. e-tutorials

1.1.3. lessons

1.1.4. examples

1.1.5. help from parents

1.2. types of "web"

1.2.1. video games

1.2.2. internet

1.2.3. cellphones

1.2.4. apps

1.2.5. computer

1.2.6. music

1.2.7. television and movies

1.3. what do we not allow them to use

1.3.1. block sexually explicit material?

1.3.2. block violence?

1.3.3. block foul language?

1.3.4. things that can initiate bullying? i. e snapchat and facebook

1.4. Cyberbullying

1.4.1. help them learn to recongnize

1.4.2. help teachers to recognize what is going on

1.4.3. talk about it make it so normal to talk about bullying that they talk to someone before something irreversible happens.

2. Web Awareness for Teachers

2.1. in loco parentis

2.2. pros and cons to the internet

2.2.1. pro: unlimited resources

2.2.2. con: easy to share anonymous hate

2.3. learn how to use it and what is being used

2.3.1. e.g. snapchat, instagram, tumblr

3. Authenticity in Digital Resources

3.1. access to unlimited information but how much is valid

3.1.1. biases are present everywhere blogs newspapers independent articles facebook statuses

3.1.2. false information

3.1.3. information can be overwhelming

3.1.4. is the source legitimate and reliable?

3.2. be a critical consumer

3.2.1. don't give information over the internet to unknown/unsure senders

4. Digital Citizenship

4.1. rules and expectaions

4.1.1. respect yourself

4.1.2. respect intellectual property

4.1.3. respect others

4.2. "neticate"

4.2.1. the ability to participate in society online

4.2.2. know when to use it

4.2.3. know what to use it for

5. Marketing

5.1. many companies market specifically to children

5.1.1. teach them to be critical consumers

6. Privacy

6.1. how will websites use the information you use to sign up?

6.1.1. who gets to see it?

6.2. threats of geo-tagging

6.2.1. think Kim Kardashian-West's robbery

6.2.2. is it safe for everyone to know where you are at every moment?

6.3. posting photos

6.3.1. permission from others in said photos?

6.3.2. are they appropriate?

6.3.3. who can see them?

7. Copyright

7.1. laws governing the use of intellectual rights and property

7.2. fair use

7.2.1. at odds with copyright

7.3. teachers need to decide where the line between copyright and fair use is

7.4. giver credit for all that you use

7.4.1. not doing that is plagiarism and can be very serious

7.4.2. make sure to check if you are even allowed to use it