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Feedback 저자: Mind Map: Feedback

1. Camera Work

1.1. With our first group of feedback we received a 'good' for our camerawork, although we were given an improvement note of making our shots more stable and that we could have added more subtle shots to our piece.

1.2. From the second group of feedback we received an excellent for our use of Camera work and were not given any improvement notes for this section. This was also the same for the fourth group.

1.3. The same as the second group, with the third we received a good result although with no improvement notes.

1.4. Overall we received a fair amount of feedback although with only a few notes of improvement in order to help us make progress with our work.

2. Soundtrack

2.1. From our first group we received and excellent in regards to our soundtrack feedback with the note that it matched appropriately with its genre. Although said we could perhaps add more dialogue to make the story line clearer

2.2. From the second group we also received an excellent mark with a note that it suited the lighting and had a good climax. A note of improvement was that we could re-record our voiceovers in order to make the background noise less distracting for the audience.

2.3. The third group also gave us an excellent mark as feedback for our soundtrack  and stated that they thought it matched well with our teaser trailer throughout.

2.4. Finally the fourth group stated that our feedback for the sound was an excellent mark and that it matched well with our teaser trailer and that our voiceover was good also.

2.5. Overall the feedback for the soundtrack was brilliant and I am very happy with the result

3. Mise en Scene

3.1. On one piece of feedback, within the table we received a good response towards the Mise en Scene within our teaser trailer.

3.2. A second piece of feedback revealed that a group within our target audience age thought the Mise en Scene within our teaser trailer to be Excellent, although they did not further this point as to say why they thought this.

3.3. From the third group giving us feedback also did no further their point but gave us a Good result.

3.4. Again with the fourth group we received good feedback for our Mise en Scene.

3.5. Overall our feedback for the Mise en Scene section was good- although we were not given any improvement notes towards it.

4. Editing

4.1. Within our first set of feedback we received and excellent for our editing- they liked the filters we had put over the top although stated that they would like to see more contrast between the light and dark

4.2. The second group also marked the Editing section as an excellent and said the ending was climactic and then left on a cliff-hanger which kept them interested, they liked the use of titles and thought our editing was 'so good' due to the use of interesting lighting which collaborated well with the sound.

4.3. The third group had similar opinions to the second, finding the use of filters and lighting made the teaser trailer much more interesting to watch. Although stated that some shots were slightly over edited and therefore made them look out of focus.

4.4. Finally the fourth group also voted our editing as excellent and found our filters and titles to match well within our genre.

4.5. Overall I have found Editing to be the most successful section out of the four.