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1930's Mind Meister 저자: Mind Map: 1930's Mind Meister

1. Students

1.1. A bunch of kids different ages and grade levels all together

2. Teachers

2.1. Taught the entire school in one room all together at the same time

3. Schools

3.1. Small with one room.

3.2. Segregation legal in public and private schools until 1954

4. http://www.kawvalley.k12.ks.us/brown_v_board/segregation.htm

5. Separate Taverns.

6. Separate waiting rooms at the Doctor's

7. Separate water fountains

8. Segregation in the 1930's.

9. Separate bathrooms.

10. Education in the 1930's.

11. SOURCES: http://www.loc.gov/teachers/classroommaterials/presentationsandactivities/presentations/timeline/depwwii/art/ ,, http://www.history.com/topics/1930s ,, http://www.retrowaste.com/1930s/fashion-in-the-1930s/ ,, http://ic.galegroup.com/ic/suic/ReferenceDetailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow?failOverType=&query=&prodId=SUIC&windowstate=normal&contentModules=&display-query=&mode=view&displayGroupName=Reference&dviSelectedPage=&limiter=&currPage=&disableHighlighting=true&displayGroups=&sortBy=&zid=&search_within_results=&p=SUIC&action=e&catId=&activityType=&scanId=&documentId=GALE%7CEJ2104240117&source=Bookmark&u=fres5347&jsid=a27604b4cca9179981ba17e24d43f654

12. Fashion in the 1930's

12.1. MEN- Fashion back then was very proper. Men dressed very nice with fedoras and double-breasted coats. Boys wore long socks and small shorts.

12.2. WOMEN- The women dressed in long dresses with shoulder pads and had tight hairstyles. Their makeup was stylish and fur and floral patterns were the big fad.

13. Entertainment in the 1930's

13.1. The economy was very dry back in the 30's so people had to find cheap ways to stay entertained. Movies had just recently got sound so that is how they spent most of their time. Also they listened to a good amount of jazz music. Some popular artists were Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, and Benny Goodman. Here is one of Ellington's most famous songs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cb2w2m1JmCY&spfreload=5

14. Economy in the 1930's

14.1. The states went through a very dry part of their life, literally and figuratively. The "Dust Bowl" was a big drought that rendered the U.S. not being able to plant, so their income from trading and selling their crops and agriculture was gone. Also, there was lots of debt from WW1 and North America went into what was called the "Great Depression". http://www.history.com/topics/1930s

15. Politics in the 1930's

15.1. In the 1930's the president was Republican Herbert Hoover. Then in 1932 Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president. Neither of the presidents helped with the Great Depression but it finally came to an end when WW2 was declared. http://www.history.com/topics/1930s