Sensory hearing aids for the elderly

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Sensory hearing aids for the elderly 저자: Mind Map: Sensory hearing aids for the elderly

1. Elderly care

1.1. Management of the elderly in the introduction of a new health monitor

1.2. Organizational culture in nursing homes

1.3. Management of the nursing home organization

2. Measurement and monitoring

2.1. mHealth

2.1.1. Definition, potential and relevance

2.1.2. Guidelines and prequalifications for mHealth sensors

2.2. Health objectives

2.2.1. Important parameters

2.2.2. Healthy ranges of values

2.3. Sensory requirements

2.4. Connectivity

2.5. Privacy

3. Economical orientation

3.1. Substantiated price range

4. Actor analysis

4.1. Wearer

4.2. Medical specialist

4.3. Insurance

4.4. Device developer

4.5. Software / algorithm developer

4.6. Nursing homes

4.7. Policy makers

4.8. Academia

5. Hearing loss

5.1. What is hearing loss?

5.2. Financial assistance for (sensory) hearing aids