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Chris Hobbs 저자: Mind Map: Chris Hobbs

1. What Makes You Different?

1.1. Ability to connect with people

1.2. Ability to empower myself/others

1.3. Skills learned in past experiences/education

1.4. Independence when holding a job/position

1.5. Biblical morals that would make me easy to work with and be a valued worked.

2. Strengths

2.1. Loyal

2.2. Committed

2.3. Personable

2.4. Organized

2.5. Productive

2.6. Diligent

2.7. Bold

2.8. High Spirited

3. Weaknesses

3.1. Idly

3.2. Unconcerned

3.3. Indifferent

3.4. Forward

3.5. Assuming

3.6. Presumptuous

4. Opportunities

4.1. College Degree

4.2. Strength in personality will help find Job

4.3. Young age will bring new ideas

4.4. Connections

4.4.1. Samford

4.4.2. Sigma Nu

4.4.3. Campus Outreach

5. Threats

5.1. Late Graduation

5.2. Finances

5.3. Stagnant due to idleness

5.4. Competitive Job Market

5.5. Low Cumulative GPA

5.6. Unknown career path

6. What’s The Pitch For You?

6.1. Sign up for a project in Sigma Nu to showcase organization skills

6.2. Find ways to get involved with Business men in the community

6.3. Offer free internship through Campus Outreach for ways to grow skill set

6.4. Always be conscious about the way I carry myself, from personal interactions to emails and phone calls.

6.5. Networking through Alumni within Sigma Nu and Samford

7. What’s The Real Power Of You?

7.1. Influence and led eight men over the summer in discipleship and furthering growth into Godly men

7.2. Pledge class Vice President in Sigma Nu, where I co-led twenty-five guys, held meetings, and oversaw important decisions

7.3. Chosen to be on the Leadership Team through Campus Outreach at Samford University where we planned and organized events and helped recruit new students into our organization

7.4. Offered an opportunity to participate in a Cross- Cultural project through Campus Outreach to build disciples throughout the world.

8. What’s Loyalty To You?

8.1. Being honest and upfront with myself, my co-workers, and any one else I come into contact with

8.2. Loyalty to me is not simply being nice or be the "loyal guy" but some situations call for you to be the one who is going to be bold and call someone out when it is needed

8.3. To always be looking for new opportunities and ways for me to grow my strengths and promote myself

8.4. Being the best worker that I can be, delivering great results that positively benefit my company and myself

8.5. Be open to constructive criticism and feedback from those I trust for my worth- and be willing to do that for other.

9. What’s The Future Of You?

9.1. Determining the career path that I want to walk down.

9.2. Evaluating my strengths and weaknesses to determine a career that would best benefit me and align with my mission statement.

9.3. Figure out my definition of success and what drives that success

9.4. Build a portfolio of experiences in my life that will give me new outlooks and insights on my capabilities and how to better use them