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Brand Map 저자: Mind Map: Brand Map

1. Strengths

1.1. Organized

1.2. Driven

1.3. Patient

1.4. Teaching

1.5. Focus

2. Weaknesses

2.1. Networking

2.2. Overthink social situations

2.3. Avoid conflict

2.4. I'll inconvenience myself greatly before asking for help/a favor

3. Personality/Things I Like To Do

3.1. Musician

3.2. Artsy

3.3. Dog-person

3.4. Cosplay/Sewing

3.5. Watch anime

3.6. Read SciFi/Fantasy

4. How I Can Help

4.1. Provide a non-judgmental, supportive community to shop

4.2. Advice on what looks great

5. Values/Beliefs

5.1. Customer service

5.2. Added value

5.3. Fun experience

6. Who I Love Working With (Or Would Love to Work With)

6.1. Women who are social

6.2. Women of all body types

6.3. Women who like new clothes

6.4. Women who want the best for others

7. Why I Care

7.1. Helping women feel beautiful and confident gives me joy

7.2. I think everyone should be as comfortable as LuLaRoe makes you feel!

8. Who I Serve

8.1. Women of all body types and life styles

9. Unique Spin

9.1. I sell what I wear and believe in

9.2. I approach pattern-mixing and styling different from others

9.3. I sew, and I know the quality of the product from this experience