Savvy Sociogram By: Anne Brandon Mibs

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Savvy Sociogram By: Anne Brandon Mibs 저자: Mind Map: Savvy Sociogram By: Anne Brandon Mibs

1. Fish

1.1. Savvy is controlling the weather

1.2. 14 years old

2. Rocket

2.1. Savvy is electricity

2.2. 17 years old

3. Momma

3.1. Savvy is being 'perfect'

4. Poppa

4.1. In the hospital

5. Gypsy

5.1. No savvy yet

5.2. 3 years old

6. Samson

6.1. No savvy yet

6.2. 7 years old

7. Grandpa Bomba

7.1. Savvy is moving the ground

7.2. Husband to Grandma Dollop

8. Grandma Dollop

8.1. Savvy is taking radio waves from the air

8.2. Wife to Grandpa Bomba

8.3. Dead

9. Miss Rosemary

9.1. Preacher's wife

9.2. No savvy

10. Will Jr.

10.1. Miss Rosemary's youngest child

10.2. No savvy

10.3. 14 years old

11. Bobbi

11.1. Miss Rosemary's daughter

11.2. No savvy

11.3. 16 years old

11.4. Devil Angle tattoo on her back

12. Ashley Bing

12.1. Head bully

12.2. No savvy

12.3. 12 or 13 years old

13. Emma Flint

13.1. Bully

13.2. No savvy

13.3. 12 or 13 years old

14. Lester

14.1. Carlene

14.1.1. Tattoo on Lester's arm

14.2. Rhonda

14.2.1. Tattoo on Lester's arm

14.3. Bus Driver

15. Lill

15.1. Woman who gets on the bus

15.2. Motherlike

15.3. Works at diner