Television Review Show

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Television Review Show 저자: Mind Map: Television Review Show

1. Score system

1.1. 5 areas covered

1.1.1. Narrative

1.1.2. Characters

1.1.3. Cinematography

1.1.4. Themes

1.1.5. Overall

1.2. Out of 10

1.3. Negatives

1.4. Postitives

2. Discussions

3. Layout

3.1. A segment per TV show

4. Music/Sound

4.1. Intro music

4.2. Whoosh transition sound FX

4.3. Film sounds

5. Target audience

5.1. Teens/Young Adults

5.2. Young and growing film buffs

6. Programmes

6.1. The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

6.2. Scream Queens

6.3. The Get Down

7. Lighting

7.1. Bright

7.2. Blue/Red

7.3. Bright light on centre table

8. Set design

8.1. Background materials

8.1.1. Wires

8.1.2. Film posters

8.1.3. Speakers

8.2. Desk

8.2.1. Decor

8.2.2. Lamp

8.2.3. Black cover

9. Motion graphics

9.1. Transition

9.2. Introduction

9.2.1. Name

9.2.2. Text filled with clips from shows and films

9.2.3. Black Background